이순신 장군의 안좌도 수군기지에 대한 해양전략적 분석
© 2020 Korea Society for Naval Science & Technology
본 연구는 안좌도가 정유재란 당시 명량해전 이후의 전시상황을 고려한 조선수군 기지로서 적합했는지를 판단하는데 목적을 두었다. 해양전략적 분석을 위한 첫단계로서 안좌도(기좌도)와 매봉산 주변의 지형정보를 19세기부터 현재까지의 지리정보를 활용하여 분석하였다. 특히 이를 통해 안좌도(기좌도) 지형 변화와 갯골항로의 현재와 과거에 대한 실체를 파악하였다. 정유재란 당시의 안좌도(기좌도)와 매봉산 주변의 지형정보를 분석한 결과 안좌도(기좌도) 일원과 매봉산주변은 조선수군의 해상작전기지로서 갖추어야 할 기본요건인 지리적 위치, 자연적 위치, 교통로 확보 등을 충족하였다.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether Anjwa-do was suitable as a Joseon Dynasty naval base in consideration of the wartime situation after the Myongyang naval battle. As the first step for ocean strategic analysis, the topographical information around Anjwa-do(Gijwa-do) and Mt. Maebong were analyzed using geographic information from the 19th century to the present. In particular, we examined the changes in the topographical maps of the seat and the current and past changes of the tidal channel. As a result of analyzing the topographical information around Anjwa-do(Gijwa-do) and Mt. Maebong, the members of Anjwa-do(Gijwa-do) and Mt. Maebong met the basic requirements, which are the maritime operations sites of Joseon Dynasty Navy, securing geographic location, natural location, and transportation route.
Anjwa-Island, Maritime Strategic Analysis, Naval Base키워드:
안좌도, 해양 전략적 분석, 해상기지References
- Yi, S. S. (1597), Jeongyu Diary (The War Diary), 11th Oct. 1597.
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- 16-19th Century Maps Published Joseon Dynasty.
- 1918 Map Published in Japanese Colonial Era.
- 1954 Aerial Photograph Published by ROk Government.
- 1972 Map Published by ROK Government.
- 1975 Map Published by ROK Government
- 1975 Aerial Photography Published by ROK Government.
- 1986 Aerial Photography Published by ROK Government.
- 1990 Aerial Photography Published by ROK Government.
- 2019 Satellite Map Supported by Naver.
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