[ Article ]
Journal of the KNST - Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.166-172
ISSN: 2635-4926 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2023
Received 12 May 2023 Revised 29 May 2023 Accepted 26 Jun 2023

자체소방대와 권역외상센터 간 응급이송체계 구축 방안: 산업체와 해군 사례를 중심으로

양희원1 ; 오영현1 ; 정여진1 ; 이준원2, * ; 박교식2
1숭실대학교 일반대학원 안전보건융합공학과 박사과정
2숭실대학교 일반대학원 안전보건융합공학과 교수
Establishment of Emergency Transfer System Between Fire Brigade and Regional Trauma Centers: Focusing on Industries and Naval Cases
Huiwon Yang1 ; Younghyun Oh1 ; Yojin Chung1 ; Joonwon Lee2, * ; Kyosik Park2
1Ph.D. canadidate, Dept. of Safety & Health Convergence Engineering, Soongsil University
2Professor, Dept. of Safety & Health Convergence Engineering, Soongsil University

Correspondence to: *Joonwon Lee Dept. of Safety & Health Convergence Engineering, Soongsil University 369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06978, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-2-820-0609 Fax: +82-31-8037-8589 E-mail:

© 2023 Korea Society for Naval Science & Technology


본 논문에서는 산업재해로 인한 인명 피해를 줄이기 위해 환자에 대한 응급처치와 빠른 이송이 중요하다. 신속한 응급이송체계 구축을 위해 먼저 자체소방대의 역할과 한계를 분석하고 이를 통해 권역외상센터와의 응급이송체계 연계 필요성을 도출하였다. 경기남부권 소재 산업체 사례를 중심으로 자체소방대와 권역외상센터의 응급이송체계 연계 방안을 제시하였다. 산업체 자체소방대와 권역외상센터가 응급이송체계를 구축함으로써 산업체에서 발생하는 환자에 대한 신속하고 적합한 처치가 이송 중에 이루어질 수 있다. 또한 해군 등 군부대와 연계하여 헬기를 통한 응급이송체계를 확보한다면 군의 응급의료 발전에도 크게 기여할 것이다.


In this paper, first aid and rapid transfer of patients are important to reduce casualties caused by industrial accidents. First, the role and limitations of its own fire brigade were analyzed, and through this, the necessity of linking the emergency transport system with the regional trauma center was derived. Focusing on the case of the establishment of an industry located in the southern part of Gyeonggi-do, a plan to link the emergency transport system between fire brigade and the regional trauma center was proposed. By establishing an emergency transport system by the fire brigade and regional trauma centers, rapid and appropriate treatment for patients occurring in the industry can be carried out during transport. In addition, securing an emergency transport system through helicopters in connection with military units such as the Navy will greatly contribute to the development of emergency medical care in the military.


Golden Time, Fire Brigade, Regional Trauma Center, Emergency Transfer System, High-speed boat, Hand Grenade


골든 타임, 자체소방대, 권역외상센터, 응급이송체계, 고속정, 수류탄
