해상운용 항공기 부식에 관한 감항성 소고(小考)
Ⓒ 2024 Korea Society for Naval Science & Technology
삼면이 바다인 대한민국의 지형적 특성과 함상환경은 부식에 매우 가혹한 환경이다. 대부분의 항공기 재료는 금속으로 만들어져 있으며, 부식은 기체의 균열 및 파괴를 유발하여 사고의 위험과 수명관리비용을 증가시킨다. 부식의 발생원인과 방식 방법, 항공기에 발생되는 주요 부식의 종류에 대한 현상, 원인 및 주요 발생 부위, 육상용 항공기의 해상 운용 시 부식사례, 해상화 개조 완료 한 항공기의 부식사례 조사를 실시하였다. 또한 미 해군의 내해수 처리 방법, 항공기의 해상화 개조 시 부식 방지 관련 주요기술, 도장 및 마감처리 방법, 세척방법 등에 대한 국내 적용방안과 해상운용 항공기의 부식관리 대책을 제안하였다.
The geographical characteristics of South Korea, surrounded by the sea on three sides, and the shipboard environment create a highly corrosive atmosphere. Most aircraft materials are made of metal, and corrosion can lead to cracks and destruction of the airframe, increasing the risk of accidents and lifecycle management costs. This study investigates the causes and prevention methods of corrosion, the phenomena, causes, and main locations of significant types of corrosion occurring in aircraft, corrosion cases in land-based aircraft operated at sea, and corrosion cases of aircraft after maritime modifications. Additionally, it proposes domestic applications for the U.S. Navy's corrosion control methods, key technologies for corrosion prevention during maritime modifications of aircraft, painting and finishing methods, cleaning methods, and corrosion management strategies for maritime-operated aircraft.
Maritime Aircraft Corrosion, Marinization, Airworthiness, Corrosion Control, Maritime operation키워드:
해상항공기 부식, 해상화, 감항, 방식, 해상운용References
- NAVAIR 01-1A-509, Cleaning and Corrosion Control Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, 2005.
- Babcock, Ship-air Integration/Airworthiness, 2021
- DAPA Order-619, Regulations on the Certification of Military Aircraft Flight Safety, 2020, p. 2.
- Bell Helicopter, 206L-14-50 Operation Safety Notice, 2014, pp. 1-2.
- Ji-Ho Park, Analysis of the Cause of Cracks in the Main Rotor Erosion Shield of the Operating Aircraft, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 2022.
- Hyun-Gyu Lim, A Study on Quality Improvement for the Prevention of Water Infiltration and Corrosion of Helicopter MRA Control-Rod, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol 18, No. 9, pp. 92-100.
- Sang-Hun Lee, Marine Corps Air Corps Establishment White Paper, 2017.
- Chan-Su Kim, The study on Anticorrosive Effect of Paint Finish and Corrosion Control Procedures for the Maritime Aircraft, Korea Aerospace University, 2016, p. 70.