Current Issues

Korea Society for Naval Science and Technology - Vol. 7 , No. 1

[ Article ]
Journal of the KNST - Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 43-48
Abbreviation: KNST
ISSN: 2635-4926 (Print)
Print publication date 31 Mar 2024
Received 24 Feb 2024 Revised 07 Mar 2024 Accepted 26 Mar 2024

해상풍력 발전단지의 민·군 겸용 활용 방안
손종락1 ; 오성원2, *
1해군중령/해군대학 전략전력학처 무기체계교관
2국립목포해양대학교 해군사관학부 조교수

Exploring the Potential of Offshore Wind Farms for Civilian and Military Use
Jonglark Son1 ; Seongwon Oh2, *
1CDR, ROK Navy/Professor of Weapon System, Dept. of Strategy & Military Force, ROK Naval War College
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Naval Officer Science, Mokpo National Maritime University
Correspondence to : *Seongwon Oh Division of Naval Officer Science, Mokpo National Maritime University 91, Haeyangdaehak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do, 58628, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-61-240-7123 Fax: +82-61-240-7278 E-mail:

Ⓒ 2024 Korea Society for Naval Science & Technology


본 논문에서는 해상풍력 발전단지를 국가 자원으로서 민과 군에서 정책적으로 활용하는 방안 세 가지를 도출하였다. 해상풍력 발전단지를 민과 군이 공동으로 사용하는 플랫폼으로 확장하는 개념이며, 영해/영공 감시를 위한 센서 플랫폼, 기상관측 또는 해양오염 감시를 위한 센서 플랫폼, 그리고 해상 통신 확장 플랫폼으로 활용하는 방안이다. 해상풍력 발전단지를 관계기관이 공유함으로써 기후변화에 대응하는 기반으로 활용할 수 있다.


This paper derived three policy options to utilize offshore wind farms as a national resource for civilian and military purposes. The first is the concept of expanding offshore wind farms into a platform used jointly by the civilian and military and utilizing them as sensor platforms for territorial waters/airspace surveillance sensor, sensor platforms for weather or pollution monitoring, and platforms for expanding maritime communication. By sharing offshore wind farms among related organizations, they can be utilized as a basis for responding to climate change.

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Offshore Windfarm, Alternative Analysis, Sensor Coverage, Platform
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