[ Article ]
Journal of the KNST - Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.107-117
ISSN: 2635-4926 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2023
Received 26 May 2023 Revised 12 Jun 2023 Accepted 26 Jun 2023

드론 낙하산 탑재에 따른 생존성 향상 연구

김영훈1, * ; 김무근1 ; 김원기2
1해군 전력분석시험평가단 감항인증실 전문군무경력관
2해병대 소령/해병대사령부 제6해병여단 제6정보중대
A Study on Survivability Enhancement of Parachutes Mounted Drone
Young-hoon Kim1, * ; Mu-Guen Kim1 ; Won-Ki Kim2
1Senior Manager, Office of Airworthiness, Force Analysis Test & Evaluation Group, ROK Navy
2Major ROK Marine Corps/6th Intelligence Company, 6th Brigade, ROK Marine Corps HQ

Correspondence to: *Young-hoon Kim Force Analysis Test & Evaluation Group, ROK Navy P.O Box No. 501-280, 663, Gyeryongdae-ro, Sindoan-myeon, Chuncheongnam-do, 32800, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-42-553-7416 E-mail:

© 2023 Korea Society for Naval Science & Technology


드론 수요 증가에 따라 운용상 발생가능한 인적, 물적 피해 또한 증가하고 있다. 드론 추락으로 인한 2차 피해 예방을 위해 국외 항공당국, 기관 등은 임무, 성능, 기체 중량, 안전성 요구수준 및 운동에너지 등 드론을 분류하고 성능 및 기술기준을 수립하였다. 본 연구는 국외 항공당국, 기관이 제시한 운동에너지양에 기반하여, 드론 낙하 비행 실증시험을 통해 낙하산 장착 드론의 생존성 및 비행안전성 향상 방안을 제시하고자 한다.


As the demand for drones increases, human and material damages that can occur during operation are also increasing. To prevent secondary damage caused by drone crashes, overseas aviation authorities and agencies classified drones by mission, performance, weight, safety requirements and kinetic energy, and established performance and technical standards. This study aims to suggest ways to improve drone survivability and flight safety through a drone drop flight demonstration test based on the amount of kinetic energy presented by overseas aviation authorities and agencies.


Drone, Parachute, Survivability, Ground Risk, Impact Model


드론, 낙하산, 생존성, 지상 위험, 충격 모델
