[ Article ]
Journal of the KNST - Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.173-182
ISSN: 2635-4926
Print publication date 30 Jun 2023
Received 05 Jun 2023
Revised 18 Jun 2023
Accepted 29 Jun 2023
다중감각요소를 적용한 4D VR 체험교육의 효능성에 관한 연구
A Study on the Effectiveness 4D VR Experience Education Using Multiple Sensory Elements
Correspondence to: *Joonwon Lee Room No. 403, Soongsil University Cultural Center, Soongsil University 369, Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06978, Republic of Korea Tel: +82-2-828-7013 Fax: +82-2-824-4381 E-mail: joonwonlee@ssu.ac.kr
© 2023 Korea Society for Naval Science & Technology
본 논문에서는 중대재해처벌법 시행 전후 재해율을 통하여 안전보건교육의 효능성을 평가하였다. 먼저, 기존안전보건교육의 실태와 선행연구를 통한 만족도를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 피교육자들이 다중감각적 교육에 만족도와 흥미를 나타내었다. 체험교육장의 조건을 고려하여 기존 VR체험교육 방식에서 나아가 4D VR 체험교육 방식과 방향성을 제시한다.
In this paper, the effectiveness of safety and health education was evaluated through the accident rate before and after the enforcement of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act. First, the status of existing safety and health education and satisfaction through previous studies were investigated. As a result, educators showed satisfaction and interest in multi-sensory education. In consideration of the conditions of the experience center, the 4D VR experience education method and direction are presented beyond the existing VR experience education method.
Military Safety Education, Safety and Health Education, Experience Education, Multiple Sensory, VR키워드:
군 안전교육, 안전보건교육, 체험교육, 다중감각, 4D VRReferences
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